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The 6 Types of Working Genius

Discover your gifts and transform your work, your team, and your life.

Kristina Schmitt Development And Coaching - Networking with other business owners

Are you…

  • Coming home from work feeling like all you want to do is sit on the couch and scroll on your phone?

  • Feeling guilty because there are parts of your job that you hate doing or you just avoid all together?

  • Struggling to get all of your tasks done and achieve your goals?


You love your work, but you don't like your job! Learn how you can love it again!

The 6 Types of Working Genius

The 6 Types of Working Genius is a Productivity Tool that gives you nearly instant insight into why you love some parts of your work, but dislike others. We all have two geniuses, two competencies, and two frustrations. Working within your working geniuses brings you joy and energy, generates fulfillment and engagement, and leads to greater productivity and success. Working too much in your competencies and frustrations drains your energy and leads to burnout.


Take the 6 Types of Working Genius Assessment and in 10 minutes discover how you can find more joy and productivity in your work so you have more time to live your life!


Have a team?


The benefits of sharing your Working Geniuses and Frustrations with your team are endless! Even better is to hold a Working Genius Team Workshop where you share geniuses, review gaps and how to overcome them, and set goals to improve productivity for your team and workplace! 


Book a FREE Call with me to learn more about how the Working Genius can improve your results!



What’s Included

Individual Assessments​

  • 6 Types of Working Genius Assessment $25 USD

  • Option to add a 30-min Coaching session to review your results and create a plan with a Certified Facilitator for $49 USD!





Team Workshops​

  • Individual Assessments for each team member

  • 2- or 4-hour facilitated workshop with Certified Facilitator


Book a call today to discuss a team workshop!


Book a free call to discuss team workshops!

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